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Entity Initialization

What are the different steps to the entity initialization?

Collaboratrice Virtuelle avatar
Written by Collaboratrice Virtuelle
Updated over 2 years ago

Step 1: General Office Information

In this first step, you must fill in the basic information of the office, such as the official name of the company and its contact information.

This is the information that will appear, among other things, on your bill.

This information can always be changed later.

Tip: "Penal Code" and "Civil Code" are also called the "Code of Permanent Involvement" or "Court Code". If you subscribe to the electronic civil procedure forms, the civil code will appear on some procedures.

Step 2: Sequence numbers

A) First number of the sequence

In this step, you must indicate:

  • The number to give to your next customer;

  • The first number to give to a client's file and;

  • The number of your next invoice.

Note that in JurisEvolution, when you open a matter, its number corresponds to the client sequence number followed by the matter sequence number.

For example:

However, you have the option of making the matter number independent of the client number by checking the following box:

B) Length of the sequence

Finally, the "Sequence length" fields correspond to the number of digits you wish to have in the sequence.

For example, if you want the sequence of your folders to be -1, -2, -3, enter 1.

If you want the sequence to be -001, -002, -003, enter 3.

Step 3: Bank Accounts and Credit Cards

At this point, you need to add your bank, trust and credit card information.

You may rename the accounts by entering the name of your institution or any other name you deem appropriate to designate each of these accounts.

For example:

Note that at this stage, it is not possible to add more accounts than those already proposed. However, it will be possible to add a bank account or a credit card by adding a general ledger account or to add a trust account later.

Step 4: General Ledger Information

In this step, you must enter your company's financial information.

A) General ledger information

The "GST/HST Number" and "QST/PST Number" fields correspond to the company's tax numbers.

The "Fiscal Year Start" and "Fiscal Year End" fields are the start and end dates of your current fiscal year.

The "Start date" field corresponds to the date on which you start using the software for your accounting.

B) Accounting integration accounts

In this section, choose the current account to which you want a customer payment to be posted for each payment method.

For example, if all payments received by Transfer are to go to your first bank account, this is the one you should select:

Step 5: Invoice Settings

In this step, you will configure your first invoice template.

In the "Settings" section, you will find all the information that you can decide to show or not on your invoice template by checking or not the corresponding boxes.

The "Logo" section allows you to import the company logo so that it appears on your invoice template.

At this point, you can either click on the "Select Files" icon to fetch your logo via your computer's file explorer, or select the logo directly in your file explorer and drag it to "Drop files here".

The imported logo must be in .jpg format. In addition, in order to ensure the quality of the logo on your invoice, it is preferable that it be at least 1000 x 1000 pixels in size.

Finally, the "Invoice Message" field allows you to add a note to your template, in particular to specify the payment terms.

Note that it will be possible to add several other invoice templates later on by creating invoice templates.

Step 6: Account Status Settings

In this step, you will set up your first statement template.

In the "Settings" section, you will find all the information that you can decide to display or not on your statement template by checking or unchecking the corresponding boxes.

The "Logo" section allows you to import the company logo to appear on your statement template.

At this point, you can either click on the "Select Files" icon to fetch your logo via your computer's file explorer, or select the logo directly in your file explorer and drag it to "Drop files here".

The "% after" field allows you to define the interest rate to be applied in the case of a late payment from your customer, while the "grace days" field allows you to define the grace period granted to your customer before interest is applied.

Finally, the "Statement Message" field allows you to add a note to your template, especially to specify the payment terms.

Note that it will be possible to add several other statement templates later by creating statement templates.

Step 7: Check Parameter

In this step, you set up your check printing template.

On the left, the "Current Account Check Template" and "Trust Account Check Template" fields allow you to choose the print format, depending on the order of the check and check stubs on your paper.

On the right, in the "Settings" section, you will find all the information that you can decide to show or not on your check printing template by checking or not the corresponding boxes.

Step 8: Users

This final step allows you to create the users of the software.

First, click on "Add a user".

Enter the first user's last name, first name, title, position and email.

Then, it is essential to assign an access profile to your user to define his access rights in the software. To do this, click on "Add a profile".

You will be able to choose the profile using the drop-down menu.

Then, you can add rates to this user by specifying the rate code in the "Code" field, and the hourly rate in the "Amount" field.

Add as many users as you want.

Final step: Finish and accept

Once you have completed all the steps, you can save your configuration by clicking on "Finish and accept".

*Once you have completed and accepted the configuration process, the Entity Initialization tile will no longer be available.

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