Before you start: Please note that some permissions and configurations to your access profile may be required to proceed with the following steps. We invite you to validate your access with your software administrator.
Document management plays an important role in JurisÉvolution. Filing and document management tools must therefore correspond to the needs of users.
It is possible to create, by matter type, a "default" of directories to be created when a matter is opened, as well as to create separate directories directly within a targeted matter.
However, all users with access to the matter also have access to all its directories and the documents they contain.
There is a way of restricting access to filing directories to certain users, by assigning them a profile defined for this purpose.
What is a profile?
The profile defines the permissions for the user authorized to use the software. More info here
Here are the steps to follow to limit access to a filing directory to certain users only.
1-The targeted user must be associated with the relevant profile via the employee file.
2-The targeted directory must also be linked to this profile.
This configuration can be carried out via the "default" directories configured in the software, or directly on a directory specific to a matter.
Main menu Admin tab / Manage default file structure tile
Target directory and associate profile(s) with it
In a matter: Documents tab / Manage file structure icon
Target directory and associate profile(s) with it
3-In order to manage directory restrictions*, profiles associated with restricted users must have the "See data without restrictions to profiles" permission turned OFF.
Permission checked = The user has unlimited access to all directories, even when they have associated profiles (just like the system administrator).
Permission is unchecked = The user only sees directories* that are paired with profile(s).
* Directories not authorized for a user are grayed out, but cannot be accessed to view documents.
If users with different profiles need access to the same directory
All profiles concerned must be associated with the directory in question.
Create a specific profile (without permission) and use it as a link between the users concerned and the directory.
Users with directory limitations no longer see documents that are not in a directory.
The system administrator profile always sees all directories
The "See data without restrictions to profiles" permission also affects activity codes, preventing the user from viewing activities created with these codes.