Before you start: Please note that permissions to your access profile may be required to perform the following steps. We invite you to validate your access with your software administrator.
Reports tab / Work in progress tile
Set the various parameters to be considered for including work in progress to be invoiced in the 360 window.
Request invoice projects via the Reports icon in the menu bar.
Once the invoice projects have been generated in the on-screen report, they are AUTOMATICALLY ready to be invoiced via batch invoicing.
In fact, the software remembers the generation of projects and proposes them by default at the billing stage. The “batch” to be invoiced is therefore ready.
However, it is still possible to modify jobs in progress, as they are not yet invoiced at this stage. Please note, however, that if any changes are made to the work in progress AFTER the projects have been generated for batch invoicing, the projects must be re-generated on screen for the changes to be taken into account in the batch invoicing process.
Invoice date
Invoice projects can be prepared over several days. Different dates may therefore be assigned to projects, or projects may be scheduled for one date but invoiced on another.
A function allows you to invoice on project dates, or on the day of invoicing. A choice to be made when billing in batches.
Finance tab / Billing family - Billing project
When icon is yellow = Invoice date is current date
Simply click on the icon to change it.