Before you start: The automated deployment of the add-on requires advanced technical skills. Please refer to your IT department for help with deployment.
1. Introduction
Here is the technical information for the installation and deployment of the JurisEvolution add-on. A GPO can be used to deploy to workstations or from the command line with the following parameters.
2. Download
Here are the download links. The 32 or 64 bits refers to the version of Office installed:
32 bits:
64 bits:
3. Requirements
Prerequisites that must be installed on the workstations before deployment
.NET 4.8 minimum
Please note that during the installation of the add-on, we write registry keys to the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" and that these are automatically written to the registry of the Windows user used for deployment.
It is important that these keys are in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" of the user who will work on the workstation.
4. Arguments
/silent : The installation window will be displayed with the progress bar during the installation.
/verysilent : No window is displayed to the user.
/dir : Windows installation location.
/noprereq : Force the installation despite the absence of the requirements
EX : JEWebTools.exe /verysilent /dir=c:\jurisconcept\JEWebTools /noprereq
5. SSO
If you are using the SSO authentication feature (Enterprise Edition), additional registry keys are required to allow the add-on to connect in SSO mode:
5.1 For the 64 bit version of the add-on:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Juris Concept\Products\Juris Evolution\SSO]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Juris Concept\Products\Juris Evolution\SSO\SSOIds]
"SSO URL"=""
5.2 For the 32 bit version of the add-on:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Juris Concept\Products\Juris Evolution\SSO]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Juris Concept\Products\Juris Evolution\SSO\SSOIds]
"SSO URL"=""
The link must be replaced by the SSO connection URL established between Juris Concept and you.