Step 1: Click on the Person tab in the main menu.
Step 2: Set the view to "Clients" using the drop-down menu
Step 3: Double-click on the name of the client for whom you want to change the information.
Step 4: The client record opens. From here, make the necessary changes.
For example, to change the client's taxes, go to the Preferences tab in the lower left corner and choose the taxes to apply from the drop-down menu:
It is also from the Preferences tab that it will be possible to specify the client's correspondence email address by choosing from the existing email addresses in his person record. Tip: The client's correspondence email address will appear on the File Master report.
Step 5: Save your changes using the green check mark.
Client's taxes
A) Type of taxes
The "Taxes" field allows you to determine, from the drop-down menu, which type of taxes will be applied to the client.
B) The tax rate according to the client's province
By default, the tax rate depends on the province entered in the client's address.
For example, for a client who would like to have Ontario taxes applied, simply (1) select the appropriate taxes from the drop-down menu and (2) make sure that the province in the address on the client's record is Ontario.
C) The tax rate for the province of the office
If you want the tax rate to be the one of the province of your office instead, just check the box "Apply the tax rate of the province of the office".
This will ensure that even if you have, for example, a client whose address is in another province, the tax rate applied will be that of the province of your office. In other words, when this box is checked, the tax rate no longer depends on the province of the client.