In JurisEvolution, prices are created by employee, not by matter.
If your objective is to impose an existing employee price on a particular matter, please refer to the following article: Imposing a rate on a file.
To create a new employee price, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Click on the Admin tab in the main menu.
Step 2: In the "Access Management" section, click on "Employees".
Step 3: Double-click on the name of the employee for whom you wish to add or change a price. This will take you to the employee record.
Step 4: From the "Summary" tab, locate the "Prices" section.
From this section, edit an existing price or add one by dragging your cursor to the bottom of the table and clicking "Add".
Tip: The "Default" level allows you to define a price that will appear by default when adding a time entry to this employee's name.
To delete a price, drag your cursor over it and click on the X that will appear.
Step 5: Add the desired price code and the associated amount.
Step 6: Save your changes using the green check mark.